Monday, January 5, 2009

Even more winter fun

Kenny and Josh
Dylan, Kenny and the back of Connor's head going up the hill
Me, Connor, Christine and Reid
Christine and Connor.
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more winter fun

Dylan had a great time for about 3 runs. Then he was ready to go home. But his daddy could have stayed all day.

Kenny and my brother in law Josh racing.
Me, Kim, Josh and Ashley
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Winter fun

Snow fort above the snow cave. The boys had a great time throwing snow balls at a huge snow monster from here.
Playing the game from Erik.
Kenny and his sister Kim. We went tubing at solider hollow. It was wicked cold.
Christine, Reid and Claire, being good sports tubing with us at solider hollow.
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more Christmas

Kenny's Favorite Gift from Erik.
Best gift ever from Kenny's mom. She made this herself over the last year. It's so awesome.
Kenny and his new snow blower. He finally got tired of shoveling three feet of snow all the time.
Snow cave kenny built for the boys
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This is pretty much the coolest picture I've ever taken. Roky was running so fast all over. He was having a great time, which is suprising since he HATES being cold.
Chistmas Eve. The boys left cookies, milk and a carrot out for Santa and his reindeer.
Christmas morning at Nema and Papa's.
Favorite toy of the day from Aunt Sarah.
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